Thursday, 3 January 2013

Anna Winpurrs present... a great gift or just right now?

Meanwhile back in Anna Winpurr’s present, Willow Maya said "Come, Anna. let´s go inside together.. Look closely at what has been created by the Great Jock MacTartan. He is a quiet hero. In each and every cat inside these castle walls he has left a great and wondrous legacy, the legacy of love, not just on Catmas but all year round and for this he is greatly respected and honored by all who have descended from his loins. Here, the full spectrum of cat emotion resides be it naughty or nice. This is an amazing castle.. Look Anna look closely and watch even more closely. See once again and with your eyes wide open, the feel and the look of LOVE..... 

Wee Jock´s ghost glided up to peer over Willow-Maya´s shoulder. She had it all wrong, of course. The castle never was his. It belonged to Clyde´s vampire mentor Count Catula and nobody much loved him. But it´s a good story and she was saying nice things about him so who cared about the facts? He sounded so good to himself that a wee tear trickled down his nose thinking of that kindly cat who had passed on--such a lovely laddie! (he really should have been nominated for at least ONE Catty, but that´s another story)

Meanwhile back in the flashback, Purrseys, NY, Clawdette and Peckham were eyeing up the toms and totally ignoring their department - fashion accessories. Clawdette was thinking of the big party she was going to that night at the very wealthy Wee Jock McTartan´s. It would probably be dead dreary as he had to be 10 at least!
Clawdette noticed a very plain queen cat sidling up the counter. She was thin and wore thick glasses and when she spoke she had a broad Scottish Highland Fling accent.
´Ouch ay the noo ...´ said the cat.
Clawdette looked puzzled and then saw a gorgeous tom standing nearby. ´Quick - get rid ... gorgeous tom at 10 o’clock´.

The cat, who was of course Annie as she was then, was holding a little blue silk scarf and trying to ask if they could charge it to her 10 credit cards - just a ´wee bit´ each ...

´Ooh take it!´ screamed Clawdette throwing it in a ´Small Purrsey´s bag´ and then preening herself for the handsome tom.
Annie shuffled off with a store detective in close pursuit and cleared Clawdette´s view.

Annie may have been shuffling but she was secretly clicking her back heels together and jumping up with joy. She had her purrecious Catmas gift as a Catmas gift from the kind shop girl! How wonderful! Catmas really was miraculous!

Ghostly paws picked Clawdette up and returned her to the village shop where she found herself, once again, sitting in front of the Old Crone who worked there. Tiny Teddy was staring at her strangely - so was the Old Crone but as she was so odd it was hard to tell the difference.

´Oh Peckham ... it’s a hunk. Quick!´ Er ... Clawdette saw that she was in a village shop in Catsylvania and not a department store in Mew York. She blinked. ´Oh I feel odd´ She sank into a small basket nearby, placed there for customers who need to take a ´moment´ and the elderly ….

´Just wrap my packages and deliver them to the castle WRAPPED will you old crone. I am exhausted and need some fresh air´.

The Old Crone nodded obligingly but secretly decided to ´forget´ the order just as soon as Clawdette left. She was afraid of the castle.
´Come Tiny Teddy ... let us go to Pawbucks across the road and have some light snacks before we go back´.
Tiny Teddy obediently followed Clawdette marvelling at the sophistication of the local village.

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